sábado, 25 de julho de 2015

quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2015

Hello dear friends around the world. Don't forget this thursday, a special internet radio program, with a selection of songs from various Prog Rock bands around the world, with a special attention to the bands CHERRY FIVE, MADELGAIRE, FORGOTTEN SUNS, ASIA MINOR, TRILOGY, ANTARES, QUANTUM FANTAY, MAD CRYON, COLLAGE and KBB, also Brazilian Prog Rock band with a special focus to GERSON WERLANG, ANXTRON, LUMINA and PALMA. From 8PM to 10PM, Brazil's time, at internet radio station, (WWW.RSTRADIOROCK.COM.BR). "Progressive Rock Around The World" every Thursday, from 8PM to 10PM, Brasilia/Brazil's time. Join the "chat roon" and come talk with us. I hope see you there.
After selection, a special program with the brazilian Prog Rock band "SPIN XXI" and the album "CONTRAPONTO"
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